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Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Problem with Teacher Salaries in Public Schools

Teachers have such a prevalent role in public schools in America, yet the salaries they earn do not reflect their importance. Teachers' jobs are vital in preparing the younger generations to come. Public school classrooms are beginning to become overcrowded because of the lack of teachers. This scenario is neither benefiting the children nor the teacher. These low salaries are making this rewarding profession less attractive and retainable. Teachers are getting frustrated when their efforts go unnoticed, leading them to find other professions.

Women protesting for an increase in teacher salaries

I believe that if we invested in our teachers, their efforts, and their education, we would attract better teachers as a society. Many steps need to happen to draw enough attention to this devastating problem before we can go forward in fixing it. There is research that shows that teacher pay is directly correlated to student performance. The government, in the past, has seen teacher salaries to be one of the first budget cuts. Teachers are beginning to really stand up for themselves which is what must happen in order for anything to change. 

Passionate teachers put their heart and soul into their job because they care about their students so much. Some teachers might stay late after school or get to school super early in the morning in order to prepare. Some teachers might do work, whether it be grading papers or planning new material, at home in their free time. These are just a few ways teachers can overexert themselves which will oftentimes lead to burnout on top of being underpaid. The change in teacher salaries ultimately comes down to our priorities as a nation and as a society. Everyone needs to realize the importance a teacher's job has on the overall success and health of our economy and society.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Impact of Technology in Elementary Classrooms

The use of technology in elementary classrooms has allowed teachers and students to be involved in a more connected and accessible learning environment. Technology boosts classroom engagement by allowing students to have a more interactive learning experience. Technology has also provided better comprehension, practical learning, time management, and a chance for students to explore independently. Technology allows students to become familiar with programs and software that will be used now and in the future of their learning. It is better for them to become accustomed to it early on because technology is the wave of the future in our society. I do not see it going anywhere anytime soon, so it will be beneficial for educators to introduce it early.

Technology will be a very prevalent part of my classroom one day. Technology provides new various ways teachers can present information to students. Technology can also be utilized by the students for them to physically interact with educational materials in various programs, apps, websites, and more. I believe that school-owned technology is the best option when possible because the content is able to be tracked and monitored. Technology is constantly evolving and getting better and with that comes better educational materials I will be able to present to children in an educational setting.

Students sit at their desks using his/her own laptop while two teachers circulate to assist

There are several ways teachers can introduce technology into an elementary classroom setting. One of these ways is gamified learning. Putting curriculum into games is an amazing way to encourage engagement. Many students are motivated by achievement and being competitive with their peers. Virtual field trips could be another way technology enhances a child's learning experience in the classroom. Virtual field trips take away the logistics of planning an actual field trip while still being able "visit" places the students may have never been before. Utilizing technology in the classroom has many more benefits, but those ideas are a few starting points.

Technology can provide a modern method for teaching students. Making technology accessible and appropriate for the elementary age is crucial to maximize the available benefits. Technology can be integrated into the curriculum to make learning more engaging.

Educational Blogging

Educational blogging allows teachers to share their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and/or current events. Blogging enables teachers to voice th...